
1 Sino Tap 2 The Old Spring 3 Live & Let Live 4 The Eagle*5 The Mitre**
6 The Old Spring 7 Green Dragon 8 The Old Spring 9 The Vine 10 Green Dragon
11 The Zebra 12Castle Hill Castle 13The Vine 14 The Maypole 15Fort St George*
16 Regent St Castle 17 The Zebra18 The Old Spring 19 The Maypole20 The Old Spring
21 Castle Hill Castle* 22 Castle Hill Castle 23 Tram Depot 24The Zebra 25 Clarendon Arms*
26 Regent St Castle* 27 Free Press 28The Maypole 29 Castle Hill Castle* 30The Vine
31 The Old Spring* 32 Castle Hill Castle** 33 Maypole 34Granta 35Regent St Castle
36 The Maypole 37 The Old Spring38 Green Dragon 39 Cambridge Blue 40 Jolly Brewers
41 Castle Hill Castle 42 Castle Hill Castle 43 Live & Let Live 44 Free Press 45Fort St George
46 Castle Hill Castle 47 Kingston Arms48 Waggon & Horses 49 Tram Depot   

* - bottom of the list; will be lost when other people add their choices...


Lotto Results | Cambridge Pub Guide (includes map)